Who Should Learn to Fight?

Nobody wants to hear this about the world they live in, but maybe that's just what people need. We're soft. We eat unhealthy, and a lot of America has 9-5 office/cubicle job where they sit on their butts. I know how it is, how hard it is to hit the gym or whatever after a long day working. But sometimes what you need isn't what you want, or what you feel like you're capable of doing. A sedentary life is not okay.
Truth is, there are some terrible people out there. People who in the future, may want to hurt you, your husband, your kids and friends. Everyday, even this second there is someone getting mugged, shot, killed. A lot of them do just what the mugger says, and they stab them anyway.
First off, I just want all of you to know something. What you see in the movies where the robber is holding someone at gun point, and the victim quickly draws her weapon beginning a long and awkward stand off, is not reality. What is reality, is getting shot the second you move too fast, or the second they see what's in your hand.
If you are sure you are gonna die, then go for it. Last chance is worth whatever you got, but if they have a gun and are standing too far away from you, do what they say. No ifs, ands, or buts.
Now all that aside, hand to hand combat is something different. It's something everyone, who doesn't plan to use it, should know. Thanks to numerous countries, there's a style of fighting for nearly every kind of person. Can't see yourself ever hurting someone, but need to get out of a sticky situation? Try Buagua. Want to kick some ass? Try boxing.
Thing is, I've seen some terrible things happen to good people. I've seen bloody noses where they don't belong, and I've seen people cry and scream in headlocks they didn't deserve to be in. All because a few jackasses had some power trips and liked beating up on people half their size. Fighting is important, because you never know who you are going to end up walking by on the street. Who might follow you home. Better to be safe than sorry, right?
The wonderful news is, you don't have to spend a dime to be a good fighter. Hell, my first punching bag was a log wrapped in blankets chained to a tree when I was ten. My fiance and I currently practice on couch cushions tapped together. If our ancestors could use straw scare crows, you can use whatever you want. You don't need 1,000's of dollars worth of equipment.
As far as learning the actual skill, fighting is an instinct you just need to bring to the surface. Practice makes perfect, as they say. If you get used to seeing how people throw punches, where their legs go when they kick, you can start figuring out where to go from there. How to block them. How to hit back, and where. Most hobbies and skills are things that you learn through trial and error, as long as you don't give up. That's all you have to do, is just keep trying until you get it right. There's no other way, and nobody has ever taken a different path. You want to suceed, you need to put forth the EFFORT.
This is something more good people need to learn, because when you do everything for your family, your community, and something terrible happens, you deserve a chance to get out of it, and keep your pride. Defeat is one of the worst feelings in the world.